US postage stamps are one of the most popularly collected stamps in the world today. For complete list of website devoted to them check our us postage stamp directory page. The US postage stamps are unique and interesting. The evolution and history of US postage stamps are as rich and colorful as the stamps themselves. It was in 1847 that the first US postage stamps were issued.
The first US postage stamps were of five cents denomination and depicted the Postmaster General Benjamin Franklin. The first federally issued postage stamps in the United States were available for sale to the public on 1 July 1847. The second US postage stamps issued were the George Washington stamps with a denomination of ten cents. The first two US postage stamps were only available in New York.

An estimation of four million Franklin Roosevelt US postage stamps were issued and one million Washington US postage stamps reached the general public. The Graf Zeppelins US Postage Stamps of 1930 The Graf Zeppelins are still the most popularly issued US postage stamps in 1930. These US postage stamps were not intended to be air mail stamps. The Graf Zeppelins US postage stamps were basically for promotional collector’s items.
These US postage stamps are intended to promote the three-sided “Pan American” route. A minimal portion of the profits derived from the use of these large US postage stamps denomination went to the U.S. and German postal services.
The larger portion of the profits derived from these US postage stamps were distributed to the Zeppelin Company in Germany. To make these US postage stamps as respectable as possible, great attention to detail was taken. A great deal of care was taken even for the straight edges of these popularly issued US postage stamps.
Appealing to the doubtful American stamp collectors, the P.O.D. made an announcement in 1930 that only a million set of these US postage stamps will be issued. They also announced that these US postage stamps will be sold for at least two months only and the remaining Graf Zeppelin US postage stamps will be shipped and burned in Washington.
The one million sets of these US postage stamps are significantly smaller than any latest commemorative stamps. The targeted sales life of the controversial US postage stamps seemingly assured a return of investment. Commemorative US Postage Stamps The literally biggest commemorative US postage stamps in 1929 depicted the Surrender at Sackville.
The George Rogers Clark US postage stamp commemorated the Battle of Vincennes in Indiana. The unusual size of these 1929 US postage stamps made it impractical for use as postage. Moreover, these US postage stamps made a record for a one day US postage stamps sale from one post office. Over 300,000 of these 1929 US postage stamps were sold in Indiana on its first day of issue.
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