What is a piece of postal stationery ? Postal stationery could be post card, letter sheet, an envelope, or an aerogramme with postage stamps reprinted on it. Essentially postal stationery is handled similarly to postage stamps, Postal stationery are also sold from post offices either with a surcharge to cover the added cost of the stationery, or at the face value of the printed postage stamps.
For other stamp collecting topics such as topical stamps, stamp postal service, postage stamp price, stamp literature, stamp catalog online, stamp collecting supplies, postal history, and information on stamp community sites and stamp associations are available in this stamp directory.
Useful Postage Stationery links:
U.N. Postal Stationery
The United Nations is a major business organization requiring postal stationery for effficient functioning.
Postal Stationery Society of Australia
The Postal Stationery Society of Australia seeks to encourage the collecting of postal stationery in Australia.
The Postal Stationery Society
The Postal Stationery Society was formed in 1992 to cater for the growing number of collectors of postal stationery throughout the World, to further the study of postal stationery and to develop its collecting into a more readily accepted branch of philately.
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